How To Actually Keep Your New Years Resolution | Fat Freeze Kit | Fat Freeze System
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Tell the truth—have you ever in all your life kept your New Year’s resolutions? I didn’t think so. Every year I try. Every year I fail. Every year the resolutions are mostly about losing weight, exercising more, getting in shape—all that dreary stuff. This year is going to be different. I made resolutions that I look forward to doing, resolutions that are fun (with coincidental side effects you’ll enjoy)! 

Go Shopping More Often

I’m thinking two or three times a week. That’s a luxury, isn’t it? There is a mall not far from me that is a wonderland of conspicuous consumption. From the high-end stores to the discount dealers, all is glitter and glamour. Whether I’m transfixed by the artistry of the display windows or fascinated with the parade of people strolling by, browsing the mall is a favorite pastime. And, the mall is about one mile long from one end to the other. So much nicer than walking alone along a high school track or through a neighborhood with no distractions or enjoyment other than those infernal earpods.

Take More Breaks at Work

Sometimes we just need to get away from the stress that is present in most offices, to clear our minds, to escape the people coming up with a barrage of questions or mean “nuggets” of gossip. The problem is finding a place that isn’t already filled with people taking breaks (and therefore more questions and more gossip). New Years Resolutions Fat FreezingStair wells may not look like inviting places, but they are great places to get away. Just one thing: If you are found lurking there too often, you’re going to look a little creepy. You can solve that by keeping on the move—up and down the steps. It’s quiet. You can think. No phones ringing, no whirr of electronics, no chattering. 

Chill Out!

You’re thinking easier said than done, aren’t you? Not with my technique. Take the opportunity once a day to sit back and relax. Read a novel. Get caught up with your favorite guilty pleasure television show. Listen to music. Or just lie back and close your eyes. Now the “chill” part: Wrap the pretty blue fat freezing system around what part of your body you’d like. While you chill out, the cold is freezing and killing fat cells. With no effort on your part, you lose bulges, contour your body and smooth away cellulite. 

Feel free to add your clever resolutions in the comments! Happy New Year and GOOD LUCK!

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